No charges will be filed in the investigation into missing evidence at the Ingham County Sheriff's Office.
Washtenaw County Prosecutor Brian Mackie made the decision Monday. He was chosen to review the State Police report by the Prosecuting Attorney's Association of Michigan.
Sheriff Scott Wriggelsworth says the case is now officially closed.
The investigation started in September of 2016 when then-Sheriff Gene Wriggelsworth announced some evidence had been destroyed by a leaky pipe in the evidence room.
An internal audit released in April showed the problem was much larger than that. It found that poor management led to 1,758 cases being affected by missing evidence. 541 of them involved drugs. 79 cases had to be dismissed. Four guns and $398 in seized money were missing.
At the time, Sheriff Scott Wriggelsworth blamed it mostly on a lack of care, poor training and a high turnover rate.