Whether working from home or in a professional workplace setting, setting up an effective and organized workstation is easier than you think and it helps you be more productive and successful.
ZONE OUT Think about all the things you might use in your office and give each their own area or “zone.” For example, an area for supplies, short or long-term projects, files, note writing, to-do lists and things that help you stay focused such as schedules or deadlines.
THINK OUTSIDE THE DESK The traditional desk is a thing of the past. Instead, turn your office space into a cozy workspace with wall-mounted shelves, pin-up cork boards, curtains or folding screens, extra shelves, small storage containers, rolling cabinets, tool chests and plenty of storage.
GET RID OF THE PAPER MESS Paper is the main thing that can clutter someone’s work space. Whatever lands on your desk, stack it, file it, scan & store it, act on it, schedule it or toss it. Set up a filing system with pocket folders, trays or stacked bins. Put everything in an appropriate order and come up with your own system that keeps you on schedule.
MANAGE YOUR TIME EFFECTIVELY Multi-tasking is usually not productive and actually prevents you from getting things done, and done with your best effort. Instead, focus on one project at a time and limit outside distractions.
MULTIPURPOSE YOUR SPACE If you work at home, furniture can transform an office setting into a guest or media room. A wall-mounted TV or game table creates even more value to the setting. If you work in a professional office, adding furniture, file cabinets and seating space can turn even the smallest of spaces into a meeting room for multiple people.
PERSONALIZE YOUR SPACE Your office should always make you feel comfortable due to the amount of time you spend in a relatively small area. Spend some time decorating by adding things that might have nothing to do with work such as plants, jars, baskets, bins, and artwork or memorabilia.
CREATE A TRANSITION AREA Make it easy to obtain work-life balance by setting up an area in or near your office where you can get a mental break when necessary. A comfortable chair or lighting can be helpful.