"Foreigner is not a protected class under the constitution..its not. Its an outsider, its not a race, its not an origin, its not a religion, its not sex, and its not a creed, its an outsider."
And by "outsider" James Prater says he means a liberal, a globalist and a terrorist.
He doesn't see a problem with refusing to sell his house in Mason to someone who meets his definition.
"If somebody cannot understand what the definition of foreigner is, and they keep calling me a racists or a bigot...that's their own problem".
Several of his neighbors do have a problem with it.
"For sale by owner, yes, period."
Vaughn Hale is just one of the people who's sick of seeing the sign.
They say it gives people the wrong impression of their neighborhood.
Justin Turner and his wife are teachers who have students of all different backgrounds.
It makes them sad to see this type of negativity in their community.
"We feel that this is a neighborhood where everyone belongs and we don't want people to feel that they don't belong here."
Some neighbors have talked about removing the sign themselves... and they had some pretty strong language of their own to match the sign.
"Its a disgrace, if you got the money to buy a house, it doesn't matter what nationality you are."