LANSING, Mich. — If we can get through the next 24 hours we have a major warm-up happening this weekend.
We are talking a whole 80 degrees warmer!
That also means one thing, the snow is gonna melt and it has to go somewhere.
What you can do now to make sure you don't end up with a mess on your hands.
First, shovel that snow away from your home's foundation.
Where ever possible, keep it at least five feet away.
If your home is on a hill or grade, shovel it so it does not slide back toward your house when it melts.
Clear snow from your roof to prevent it from building up too high.
Check out your basement right now for cracks, that even means around your windows.
The most important thing from the experts, do not ignore water in your basement.
If you get it from melting snow, or something else, dry and clean it as soon as possible.
Damage caused by melting snow typically happens during more gradual thaws but can result in the same amount of damage.