

Local woman helps get water to Flint


Governor Rick Snyder announced Monday that he is getting ready to ask the federal government for help with the water crisis. But one local woman has made an effort to get the people of Flint the water they need, now.

Jessica Heksem was on a Facebook group when she realized just how bad things were in Flint.

"I'm in a few groups with moms from Flint and they were just telling me how bad it is there. How they have to bathe their kids in bottled water and you can't drink anything" said Heksem.

Once she heard families unable to bathe their kids without fear of getting lead poison. That's when she knew she had to do something.

"First we started we were just gonna do a drive on one day, January 23rd" Heksem said. Few hours have business opened to bring water but we realized it's not a close of a time. We needed to get down there quicker."

Heksem used the power of Facebook and social media to get the word out. The small idea grew into something much bigger.

"And then all of a sudden within 24-hours, we had 20 drop off points and people donating right away. It just blew up really fast.."

One of the first people to step up was her best friend Rachel Wachs. She is using her home as a drop off location and since she opened up her home she's seen the good in people.

"Someone said they can donate 10. Someone said they want to donate a water filter. I have people out of state asking if they can send money so we can purchase filter or water and then add it to the location from them" said Wachs.

Within a few hours the two had Wachs' home office filled with 26 cases and 132 gallons of water.

"I expected people to step up and say oh I can give a couple of cases but when I have someone at my door with 10 cases of water or 7 cases of water and I know their circumstances" Wachs said. "The places they are giving from is completely unselfish."

They hope their one act of kindness can go a long way.