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Local mom takes pizza job beside son during pandemic

Posted at 6:23 AM, Apr 06, 2020
and last updated 2020-04-06 09:40:04-04

DEWITT, Mich. — With the pandemic leaving thousands without work, a Dewitt mother decided to take a job beside her 16-year-old son delivering pizzas.

The mother, Janna Rowan says the experience is life-changing.

"I'm going on 24 years being self-employed sign language interpreter, so this is a whole new environment for sure," Janna Rowan said.

Janna Rowan has been a sign language interpreter, but now she says everything has stopped since the state has shut down, forcing her to find work elsewhere.

"Being self-employed is a whole different ball game because you don't have the luxury of a boss saying we're going to pay you while you're not here," said Rowan. "When I'm not working, I'm not making any money and that's what started me coming here because I knew I had to feed my family during this time."

That loss of income landed her at Hungry Howies, beside her 16-year-old son, as a pizza delivery driver.

"I was like hey, this job is awesome, I really love my co-workers and I knew she would love them too so I was like you should come work here, get extra money and make new friends," her son, Cody Bennett said.

Rowan says although it's a major change from what she's use to, it's an eye-opening experience.

"They're working really hard, it's a really tough job back here. There's a lot of work to it and I go home after a 4 hour day and my feet hurt and I can run a full marathon. So this has been really really humbling, and I have a totally different perspective on the chain of command, on the pay right and those working to make ends meet who may do this as a full-time job," Rowan said.

She says she hopes, by taking this job with her son, it will show other people that the only thing that matters is taking care of your family.

The general manager of Hungry Howies in Dewitt Township says the company is hiring and are looking for more workers during this pandemic.

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