Neighbors are saying Ormond park is relatively narrow, and wonder what the city will do to keep the play area safe.
The plan calls for the entrance to come off Grand River and extend to Groesbeck Golf Course. Neighbors said it will take away 3 of the 8 acres of the park.
"We don't know any of the safety issues. We don't know if we're going to lose our basketball court or if there are provisions to put in more play equipment. There's a lot of concerns that really need to be discussed before we start construction."
Right now golfers have to drive through several residential streets to get to the golf course. The Mayor's office said the new entrance will keep traffic off of neighborhood streets, and improve visibility to the golf course, but Kathleen and other residents are saying
construction on it seems too soon.
They are hoping the mayor will hold off on construction to wait for the new mayor to take office.
Fletcher Wasnich plays in the park hopes they'll consider how close the entrance is to where he and his friends play.
"From what I can tell, it's going to go next to the basketball court. As you can see there's tons of people playing right now," he said.
The mayor's office said the project is moving forward and plans to be completed by the Fall.