

Lansing mayoral candidates weigh in on casino


Setback after setback keeps Mayor Virg Bernero's vision of the Kewadin Casino from becoming a reality. His term may be up before plans are finalized. So what will the future mayor of Lansing do?

Candidate Harold Leeman Jr. says, although he was opposed to it when he ran for mayor in 20-13, things have changed and he's open to the idea.

"I would look at all the facts, get the opinion from our city attorney and others involved in the case and see how hard we want to fight the decision,” Harold Leeman Jr. said. “If it's not in the cards, we need to move on and we need to stay focused."

Candidate Andy Schor says the project seems to be on life support after the department of interior denied the use of the land for a casino-- but if it's still an issue by the time he's elected. He hasn't decided what he'd do.

"There are pieces of it that I like and pieces that I don't,” Andy Schor. “I like the revenues that will come in for the jobs and our kids, if people are going to gamble they can do it here and provide these dollars to our children and to our city. I don't love the idea of putting this in the downtown."

Candidate Judi Brown Clarke says she'd need to do a little more research on the latest denial from the department of the interior, stating:

‘I want to see the rationale for the denial and then discuss with legal counsel the likelihood of a successful appeal. After a thoughtful review, I will be in a better position to make a decision that best serves the interest of the citizens of Lansing’

Candidate Danny Trevino also sent a statement saying:

‘Yes we do believe Lansing could benefit from a casino here. From what I've heard the hiring usually is sporadic meaning people get hired from a bunch of different cities, what I hoped to do was bring jobs to Lansing… I still feel it would bring tourists from other cities to Lansing.’

Only time will tell whose vision will survive. And who becomes Lansing's next mayor.