LANSING, Mich. — The City of Lansing is hosting a public hearing on a fireworks ordinance City Council members are planning to vote on Monday night.
The ordinance will incorporate the changes made to Michigan's fireworks law last year.
The law reduces the number of dates to legally set off fireworks from 30 days to 12 days.
The dates include New Years Eve and New Years Day until 1 a.m., Memorial day weekend, June 29 to July 4, and Labor Day weekend.
Under these new dates, fireworks can't be set off anytime past 11:45 at night.
The new law has increased the fine as well from $500 to $1 thousand.
Meridian township , Jackson, and East Lansing have already adopted this new law.
Delta Township says it plans to address the issue later this summer.
The hearing on the ordinance is scheduled to begin at seven o'clock Monday night at City Hall.
It is open to the public.
Council members are expected to vote on the ordinance after.
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