Homeowners in Jackson are upset about the city's new Leaf Pick-Up Program. The city no longer has crews picking up leaves and cleaning the streets, due to budget cuts.
Every house on South Webster Street in Jackson all have one thing in common: leaves. Packs of them.
"These bags have been sitting out in our 12-inch blizzard the other week, all this rain and snow," said Robert Hess, who wants more days added for leaf pick up.
"I don't understand why they're waiting so long. Cause you go up and down these streets and there's bags everywhere," said Hess.
Homeowners say they are tired of cleaning up the leaves and then waiting weeks for the city to pick it up.
"We all pay taxes, you know I just wonder what benefits are we gonna get out of paying taxes," said Sharon Spaulding.
In the past, all people had to do was rake their leaves into the streets and the city would then do the rest. But due to budget cuts, the city was forced to make some changes.
Sharon Spaulding says she wants the city to go back to the original program because the current one causes too many headaches for residents. "This year with having to put it in bags and it was so much work, I mean I was wore out constantly," said Spaulding.
This year Spaulding paid workers to clean her yard, but says this will be the last because she cannot afford to always do it.
"What I worry about the most is the years coming, if I can't even get out and rake them up and get them into these bags. What do I do just leave it in the yard," Spaulding said.
But now people are still waiting for those bags to be picked up.
Jackson's community relations coordinator, John Willis, said the city understands resident frustration.
"We've contracted with our contractors so there is an additional pick up just in case someone may have gotten their leaves out late or their leaves may have fallen late," Willis said. "For whatever reason have more leaves, we can still make those pick ups throughout the city."
Until then, homeowners still have to wait.