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How to act when you get pulled over


If you have a teenager who has recently taken driver's education or is getting ready to there's one thing they should know, how to act when police pull them over. It is not a part of Michigan's state-mandated instruction. With today's climate, police officers wish it would be.

In tonight's special report- FOX 47's Chelsea Snyder tells you what you need to teach your child and maybe even a refresher course for yourself.

"It starts with If you don't want to get pulled legal. If you don't want to get pulled over just follow the law. It's really simple just follow the law," said Jason Redoutey.

Jason Redoutey owns Mr. R's Driving School. He says his school does teach it but it's not mandated by the state and in today's climate he thinks it should be.

"I mean yeah I feel like I would get a little nervous. Like having them come up to me and stuff just cause all of the stuff in the media," said teen driver Daisy Manzer.

"Just like a lot of stuff goes on, African-Americans, especially So I just get nervous in general so I don't make any sudden movements or I just don't do anything suspicious," said teen driver Thomas Brannon.

"Thankfully in Mid-Michigan it hasn't been a huge deal but certainly there's people with guns.Even if one is a law enforcement officer. There is potential for bad stuff to happen," said Redoutey.

"When you do deal with younger drivers that you come across the whole goal is to educate," said Sgt. Josh Treat, Ingham County Sheriffs Office.

Some simple things to keep in mind, when police are approaching-- make sure they can see your hands. Put them in clear view on the steering wheel.

" then when we are talking to you and you need to get your registration and drivers license try to already have those things together and then if your insurance is in the glovebox its ok to get it but it's also nice to let us know hey I'm going in the glovebox to get my insurance and registration. Just so we know what you're doing while you're doing it. It makes our job a little easier and we do appreciate that," said Treat.

"Yeah, it makes me nervous because I don't know what to expect so I feel they only way I can avoid showing fear would be just to show them that ill cooperate and like be respectful," said teen driver Shaylee Snyder.

"It's a normal reaction for people to get nervous I mean we deal with people on a regular basis and peoples interactions they do get nervous," said Treat.

"Remaining calm and respectful..just real simple things," said Redoutey.

Only a handful of states require "police stop protocol" as part of their driver's ed curriculum. A bill was introduced in the Michigan legislature earlier this month that would require new drivers receive information on appropriate etiquette for a traffic stop.

The bill would also include a training program for police on how to conduct a traffic stop. That bill will be up for consideration first in the state house.