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Honoring America's veterans

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LANSING, Mich. — The weather canceled a Veterans Day parade that was supposed to happen in Mason Monday afternoon, but that didn't stop mid-Michigan from finding other ways to honor the men and women who've served our country.

No matter their reason for joining...

"I wanted to serve my country after Kennedy was shot. It upset me so I thought it would be the best thing I could do for him," Bob Jordan, of the U.S. Marine Corps, said.

"I joined because I thought that the service to the country was the least I could do. I wanted to do something for my country and something that I felt satisfied with," Victoria Lischalk, VFW Post 701 Quartermaster.

Or when and where they served...

"I joined in 1966 and then '68 I went to was outside of, when offensive started," Dennis Acker, Vietnam Veteran, said.

"Pakistan was probably the worst assignment you could get for a lot of reasons. It's more prevalent today than it was back then," Gary Acker, a veteran, said.

Veterans Day means a lot to those who fought for our freedom.

"It's nice to get some recognition for what we did and for what all of the guys sacrificed with their lives," Gary said.

A simple thank you can mean a lot.

"At first it's embarrassing, but then it feels good. It's been a long time ago and when I first come back nobody said thank you," Dennis said.

As well as a free meal, served up by Texas Roadhouse.

"Makes me feel good and I'm really happy that new vets are treated better," a veteran said. "We weren't treated well coming back but these young guys now are and thank God for that. They got a hard job to do just like we did. Everybody does their job," Jordan said.

They want those who haven't served to take these messages with them.

"They should think about Veterans everyday because everyday we're fighting. We're in so many different countries now," a Jordan said.

"Veterans are different than everyone else. We are the 1% in the United States that join for selfless service," Lischalk said.

To respect, to appreciate and to never forget those who fought, served and died for our nation.

Many veterans stopped by Texas Roadhouse in south Lansing for a free meal. There will be a free dinner for veterans at VFW Post 701 on Lansing's west side this Saturday at 4 p.m.

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