

Group wants companies to offer paid sick time

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 An estimated 40% of workers in Michigan don't get any paid sick time from work. Activists have not had any luck getting the legislature to force companies to offer it, so they're taking their case to the voters instead.

The Michigan Time To Care Coalition announced Tuesday, it's on track to get the 253,000 signatures needed to put the issue on the November ballot.

Danielle Atkinson is one of the people behind the petition drive. She told Fox 47 News "Teachers, nurses, social workers, restaurant workers are all constantly talking to people and their ability to take time off when they're sick is extremely important to the health of the general public."

The proposal would require businesses to give employees one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours worked. Opponents say that will be too expensive and will result in layoffs.

We'll let you know if the group has enough signatures by the June 1st deadline.