"For five days here, I've been nothing but shaking, and crying and watching TV, my family has been wonderful pulling me away from the TV because it's nerve-wracking, you just don't know."
Annette wants to get home and resume her daily routine, but she knows that won't happen any time soon.
"Work is probably the last thing on anyone's mind because your first thought is my house okay, are my kids okay, is my family okay and that's what everyone does right now is help everyone, clearing off your lawn because there are trees everywhere."
Even the basics like a roof over your head can't be taken for granted.
Past hurricanes left people living under tarps or plactic for over a year.
"We have the spanish tile and they can only go as fast as they are producing them and putting them on."
Annette has lived in Florida for 30 years and has built her house to better withstand a hurricane, but when a hurricane warning comes she doesn't wait to leave.
"I remember after Andrew, my kids were small, I put them in a car and we just strated going north, I don't know where we were going but the highways were jammed."
Getting back home might be as big of a challenge as it was getting out, if she can get a flight.
"I think the whole city of Miami was there, it was jam-packed. We could hardly make it around the terminal to be dropped off."
And she knows her emotions could get the best of her on the way home.
"The whole plane ride here, you shake, you cry becasue you don't know what your'e going to come home to, you just don't know."