LANSING, Mich. — Weekend Survival Kits is having a very special event coming up on As July 17th at the Training Center at Dean Transportation at 4812 N. Aurelius Rd. in Lansing or on July 23rd at Meeting Space in building 2 at the MSUFCU Headquarters on Coolidge Rd. in E. Lansing.
You will find the Weekend Survival Kit’s upcoming event compelling and thought-provoking. They guarantee that their Experiencing Poverty event will be a worthwhile investment of a few hours.
For these few hours you will experience first-hand what it feels like to live on the edge of poverty. This is an interactive event based on real-life scenarios of poverty. Space is limited so please RSVP:
For the event on the 17th at Dean Transportation: []
For the event on the 23rd at MSUFCU Headquarters: []
** Please scroll all the way to the bottom of the letter to complete your registration.
Should your plans change and you are not able to attend, please email backto let us know so we can offer the spot to someone else.
At Weekend Survival Kits they know that the food which their program supplies to children-in-need is critically important. However, it is the rare occasion when they hear directly from the families they serve because they are committed to keep their identities confidential. This Experiencing Poverty event is their way of helping the public understand how your support of Weekend Survival Kits can have a dramatic and positive effect for so many children and families throughout the area.
Would you like to join Weekend Survival Kits for this extraordinary experience? Immediately following “Experiencing Poverty” there will be a brief presentation and report on the impact of Weekend Survival Kit’s in the mid-Michigan area. Please arrive by 5:30 pm for check-in. The event will last from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm. There will be light refreshments served.
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