

Door to door water supply in Flint


In an effort to get safe water to people in Flint, Governor Snyder called in the National Guard.

They're joining volunteers and law enforcement as they go door to door handing out much needed water.

Clean water, water filters and lead testing kits, all loaded on U-Hauls and taken right to the front steps of homes in Flint.

For young mothers like Briana Lewis, it's making it easier for her to know she's doing all she can to keep her baby safe.

These volunteers trekked through the snow and ice, knocking on doors, while logging every stop on their iPads.

One phone had numbers, locations everything that people need to know to get access to clean water.

Each day these teams expect to get to around 500-600 homes. And will be delivering supplies seven days a week until the need is no longer there.