

Community's seventh annual blessing of pets

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Pets can be a great addition to your family, some may even consider them a blessing.

Pastor Mark Erbes started the blessing of the pets seven years ago in Holt, to acknowledge that pets are a grace to the family and community.

"We've been blessed by these animals by God, they are a great companions for us"

This is a community-wide event where several people from Holt come out to join in the fun.

"We have a little service, and then we go around and bless each pet individually and at the end we have some games and things that we play and some prizes we give away to the pets and their owners and just have a good time"

One of the church members Amy, takes her blessing for pets in the volunteer work she does. She is a puppy volunteer counselor for leader dogs for the blind. She trains puppies for about ten months getting them ready for formal training.

"During the time that we have them we teach them basic obedience and social training and take them to lots of different events and get them used to how to settle in different situations"

Amy helps to train dogs for things such as therapy and guiding the visual impaired like Becky's dog Maylee.

The blessing of the pets is an annual event hosted by the Holt United Methodist Church and is open to the public.