

Clinton campaign targets millennials and black voters with Obama's visit to Michigan


Some young voters, like Keith Campbell are worried about their generations turnout in this election.

"They look at polls and say 'oh she's up by, or he's up by, you know, a certain amount, I'm not going to vote, my vote doesn't make a difference,'" describes Campbell.

Which is why president Obama is calling for young people's help.

"I already voted. I voted for Hillary Clinton," shouts president Obama to cheers at a rally in Ann Arbor. "I'm asking you to do the same, especially the young people here."

Campbell believes president Obama's visit to Michigan will make a huge difference with fellow millennial voters.

"The main thing is just enthusiasm, and trying to get people out to the polls, and if we can get people kind of excited about politics, and get a crowd around it, I think it's just going to kind of drum up more support," he says.

Which is why groups like College Democrats across the state are going to canvass dorms and neighborhoods around campuses to get students to the polls on Tuesday.

Collin Kelly of the University of Michigan College Democrats says his group is working with the Ann Arbor Democratic campaign to organize rides for students, which he thinks will get more people out to vote.

Individual students also say they're hoping to help get people to the polls, and the Michigan Democratic Campaign is offering rides to people.

Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign is also trying to mobilize the black vote. Komeh Strauss immigrated to the United States 45 years ago from Africa and she says she loved America when she came here because of the diversity, and she feels Obama sustained that feeling. Now, he's asking for her help:

"You will choose whether we continue this journey of progress, or whether it all goes out the window," claims president Obama.

But black voters like Strauss aren't concerned:

"Don't worry about the blacks," says Strauss with a smile, "people keep saying, 'oh the blacks are not voting!' We are."

Other supporters like Kimi Young say they're doing whatever they can to make sure the people they know will go to the polls tomorrow because of their own experiences with discrimination.

"My son was discriminated against in school," says Young. "It's 2016 and I think it's ridiculous, so it's important that we vote."

President Obama made sure to emphasize why he thinks black voters should choose Clinton over Trump.

"If you denigrate minorities before you take office, you'll denigrate minorities after you take office," claims president Obama. "If you accept the support of Klan sympathizers, if they say they really like what you're doing and you're kind of slow to denounce or separate yourself from them, that's what you're going to do when you're in office."