

Catalytic converter thefts on the rise in Jackson County


Catalytic converter thefts are on the rise in Jackson County, and police are wanting to ensure residents are keeping an eye out on any suspicious activity.

The Blackman-Leoni Department of Public Safety says they have seen an increase in the thefts of the emission related component on residents’ vehicles over the past couple weeks.

Director Mike Jester said that there have been at least 10 reports in the past couple weeks.

“We want people to keep their eyes open,” Jester said. “These are happening over night at apartment complexes. (Thieves) are getting under there and cutting them out to turn them in for scrap.”

The reason why thieves target the catalytic converter is because there is precious metal inside, which on average pay $50 per converter, Jester said. On the flip-side, to replace a catalytic converter can cost around $1,000 for the victim.

“We ask people that if they see anyone or anything suspicious, call 911 and we can check it out,” said Jester. “Even if it is nothing, we would rather check and make sure.”

Jester added that thieves target SUVs and pickups because they are higher off the ground. One way to tell that a catalytic converter has been stolen from your vehicle, is once the vehicle is started, it will be loud.