Groups fighting to get marijuana legalized in Michigan are getting some help from the California-based company "Weedmaps".
Weedmaps has launched a campaign around Michigan, putting up billboards in Lansing, Ann Arbor and Detroit touting the benefits of legal marijuana.
There are several of the pro-marijuana billboards around Lansing including an advertisement on Miller and Martin Luther King. That billboard reads, "Since legalizing marijuana in 2012, Colorado has had no increase in youth marijuana usage. Neither has Washington." Both of those states have legalized recreational marijuana.
Weedmaps is footing the bill for the billboards across Michigan and in other states. The company tells the Detroit News, this is a campaign to educate communities about the positive benefits of legal marijuana. The billboards go up at the same time groups like "The Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol" are circulating petitions to get marijuana on the 2018 ballot in Michigan. Weedmaps has not said how much the billboards are costing the company.