

Big Ticket Sales, Bigger Lottery Jackpot


With the likelihood of the Powerball Jackpot going up as high as $1 Billion, that kind of money could make anyone act a little bit out of character.

"We had one gentleman call today and say he wanted to buy $20,000 to $30,000 dollars in Powerball tickets and where should he go. That kind of gives you an idea about the level of Powerball fever that's out there." said Jeffrey Holyfield of Michigan Lottery.

Friday night the jackpot sits at $800,000,000, a new record, after passing the $656,000,000 just Wednesday. Michigan Lottery told FOX 47 News that the prize money could go up to $1,000,000,000 before Saturday night's drawing.

"Nobody wants to miss out on a chance on a record jackpot. It's $800 million right now. The Powerball jackpot team is going to meet tomorrow morning and look at raising it." Holyfield said.

With no max cap to the Powerball anything could happen.

Ticket holders have better chances of becoming president, an astronaut, or even dating a millionaire before winning the ticket. But that's not stopping anyone from playing.

"Well the odds aren't very good but they're a whole lot worse if you don't have a ticket so if I've got a ticket, I've got a chance" said Rich McCarius, owner of Tom's Party Store in East Lansing.

McCarius knows the odds of winning are slim but he's just joining in on the fun.

"Everyone's excited, buys you little bit of hope, everybody gets a chance to be a billionaire maybe" McCarius said.

While most people are thinking of buying a new car or house, Marcus Baldori is thinking about furthering his education.

"I could go to whatever law school I wanted to"said Baldori "I know a lot of people would just want to coast off of this but I'm too deep into this like career path to just like give up."

He won't give up on his education but he is now dreaming about the possible millions.