It will be a grand experience...
"The Grand Experience" was kicked off Wednesday afternoon on the Lansing River Trail in Lansing.
Members of the community along with the Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP), the Community Foundation, Greater Lansing Regional Prosperity Initiative, Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, The Rotary Foundation, Michigan Realtors Association, and the Lansing Entertainment and Public Facilities Authority were there to get the initiative off the ground.
The Grand Experience plans to bring activities for residents and others to enjoy along the riverfront like food vendors and local musicians.
Food will be different each day during lunch and dinner times Monday through Friday.
"Through LEAP’s regional place making work, we recognize that people gathering in public spaces builds a stronger sense of pride within the community,” said Bob Trezise, President and CEO of LEAP. “Other communities are activating urban spaces in this way, and our river front is a key asset and great place for us to invest as well. The Grand Experience is a way to connect downtown employees and residents with what Lansing has to offer.”
People that were in attendance at the kick off Wednesday received $5 food vouchers to use with the food vendors any time during the summer.
A weekly schedule can be found on the Lansing City Market website.