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4 tips to shovel snow this winter


Winter has already hit mid-Michigan with its first winter storm, dropping more than eight inches on Lansing in December. As more inches hit us in the months to come, shoveling our driveways and sidewalks is going to once again find its way on our to-do lists. If done improperly, shoveling can result in serious injury. To make sure you are staying safe this winter, Karla Dettling, MSPT at McLaren Rehabilitation Services provides a few tips to help you avoid injury while shoveling your driveway.

 Use the right equipment

Like any job, using the right tool makes things easier. A lot of shoveling injuries occur, in part, because the size of the shovel doesn’t fit the size of the person shoveling. The proper shovel length will allow you to keep your back straight while lifting the snow. If the shovel is too short, you will be forced to round your back to compensate, putting yourself at risk of injury. If the shovel is too long however, the weight at the end will be heavier as it is further from the fulcrum point, and that can cause an injury as well. The perfect shovel length is the shortest length that allows you to keep your back straight while lifting.

Proper footwear is also important. Wearing boots to increase your tread in the snow and ice will decrease your risk of slipping which can lead to knee injuries and other injuries that commonly occur as a result of falls.

Use proper form

Using proper form is crucial for avoiding back injuries, regardless of age or fitness level. Most shoveling injuries occur in those 20-50 years old because they misjudge their fitness level and don’t take proper precautions to avoid injury. To protect the spine while shoveling, avoid excessive twisting and bending at the waist. 

The best practice is to bend at the knees, limit the load on the shovel to a weight you can comfortably lift, lift with your legs, then when tossing the snow aside, step in the direction you are tossing snow to avoid twisting the lower back. Engage your core while lifting as well by keeping your belly-button towards your spine to further brace and protect your back. Following this procedure will not only help avoid injury but will also minimize next-day fatigue that many shovelers experience. 

Avoid shoveling in the morning

Shoveling in the morning is the hardest on the body and should be avoided whenever possible. In addition to not being warmed up and having cold muscles there is an increased fluid pressure on the discs in your spine. Morning stiffness is a concern when shoveling. As the day goes on the average person will gain more lumbar flexion than in the morning, which is due to fluid accumulation of the disc during the night. In the morning the spine will be more mechanically stiff due to the swollen discs, and more susceptible to injury when shoveling.

Take breaks and stretch

Taking frequent breaks and stretching the lower back go a long way to reduce next-day fatigue and injury. Shoveling requires a lot forward bending, shovelers should stand up tall and walk around at frequent intervals to counter that. Additionally, shovelers may find performing standing extensions alleviates some of the back soreness. During shoveling breaks, stand straight and tall, place your hands on the back of your hips, and bend backward slightly for several seconds. Taking a few minutes to stretch and go inside may also help decrease your soreness the next day.