

3 people charged in Flint Water Crisis


Michael Prysby is a district engineer with the Department of Environmental Quality. He's charged with misconduct in office, conspiracy to tamper with evidence, tampering with evidence, and violating water treatment and monitoring laws.

The same counts were filed against Stephen Bush. He's a supervisor with the Department of Environmental Quality's Office of Drinking Water.

Flint Utilities Administrator Michael Glasgow is charged with tampering with evidence and willful neglect of duty as a public servant.

Those charges are not enough for many Flint families still looking for both answers and clean water.

"Yes charges are being filed," said Melissa Mays. "That's great. We're finding some kind of accountability, but we still don't have new pipes. we still don't have clean water."

And she says until that happens, many families in Flint will not trust the government.

"No I have absolutely no faith in the state right now," said Mays. "They still haven't sent money to replace our pipes."

That's why Attorney General Bill Schuette says he and the Flint Water Investigation team will continue looking through all 2.5 million emails to find who's responsible.

"When you provide some justice and let folks know the system here in Michigan works, I think it also provides a measure of hope," said Schuette. "Doesn't solve every problem, but that's what we're doing."

Investigators say these charges are only the beginning.

"The public health, that's what the DEQ is charged, that's their purpose," said Todd Flood, the Special Counsel on the investigation team. "Public health that was violated. So we start today, we start today with charges, and we will continue to go through every single door."

Until the people in Flint believe in the system.

"It really hurts when I have friends, personal close friends, they live here," said Ellis Stafford, the Deputy Chief Investigator. "They look at me and they wonder if there's any truth to this investigation...I told one of my friends, I said you might not believe in government or state. but believe in me. You know me. give me a chance. That's all."

As they conduct more interviews and look for more people who could be responsible for Flint's Water Crisis.

"Interviewed is one thing," said Mays. "Indicted is another."