JACKSON, Mich. (WSYM) - The Jackson City Council met Tuesday to discuss and approve several important issues on their agenda.
Of particular importance, was a discussion over the creation of a Racial Equity Commission in Jackson.
The City Council unanimously approved the creation of a Racial Equity Commission and a Department of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity.
Aaron Dimick, Public Information Officer for the city of Jackson, said, “the new commission and department will help in the City’s efforts to ensure racial equity is a core element of City government and Jackson is a better place to live for everyone.”
The City Council reviewed a plan to allocate an additional $121,000 in federal funds toward helping residents with unpaid water bills.
The city said it has seen an increase in residents unable to pay water bills since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The City Council also voted to fund improvements to the Loomis Park basketball courts with lighting and a new walkway.
The council also approved using Community Development Block Grants to pay for a new roof for the Boos Community Center at the park.
Two streets in the Chalet Terrace neighborhood are being reconstructed by the City.
Community Development Block Grants are being used for those street improvements. This housing complex is owned by the City Housing Commission so there are no special assessments.
The Council voted to hire an outside company to conduct performance evaluations of the City’s appointed officials.
The City Council approved an ordinance that places special assessment payments on the July property tax bill instead of different payment schedules based on individual projects.