

Here is a list of the endangered and threatened species in Michigan

and last updated

The Trump administration moved on Monday to weaken how it applies the 45-year-old Endangered Species Act, ordering changes that critics said will speed the loss of animals and plants at a time of record global extinctions .

The action, which expands the administration's rewrite of U.S. environmental laws, is the latest that targets protections, including for water, air and public lands. Two states — California and Massachusetts, frequent foes of President Donald Trump's environmental rollbacks — promised lawsuits to try to block the changes in the law. So did some conservation groups.

  • Below is a list of the endangered & threatened species in Michigan. (courtesy U.S. Fish & Wildlife service)


Indiana bat – endangered
Northern long-eared bat – threatened
Rayed Bean – endangered
Hungerford's crawling water beetle – endangered
Karner blue butterfly – endangered
Mitchell's satyr butterfly – endangered
Clubshell – endangered
Hine's emerald dragonfly – endangered
Red knot – threatened
Canada Lynx – threatened
Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake – threatened
Snuffbox mussel – endangered
Piping plover – endangered
Northern riffleshell – endangered
Poweshiek skipperling – endangered
Copperbelly water snake – threatened
Kirtland's warbler – endangered
Gray wolf – endangered


Lakeside daisy – threatened
American hart's-tongue fern – threatened
Houghton's goldenrod – threatened
Dwarf Lake Iris – threatened
Michigan monkey flower – endangered
Eastern prairie fringed Orchid – threatened
Small whorled pogonia – threatened
Pitcher's thistle – threatened