We're tracking down elected leaders in Shelby Township after an FBI public corruption probe was launched across Macomb County.
We’re asking the tough questions when it comes to a controversial trash hauling contract.
Some call it highly unusual; others say it's a great deal. Either way, lots of questions surround the lengthy trash-hauling contract tonight.
Tempers flared at a Shelby Township public board meeting where citizens had the chance to speak out. Questions were also being raised by some elected leaders, asking about a 10-year deal with Rizzo Environmental Services - the company that hauls away trash.
But the Township Supervisor Rick Stathakis tells us the contract is lawful and doesn't involve pay to play whatsoever.
He says there's a lot of savings to taxpayers and a special committee that weighed two other competitive bids recommended the deal.
Stathakis rejects the notion anyone would take a bribe in Shelby Township in connection with the Rizzo deal struck last year.
he adds that the multi-million dollar contract can be cut short with 180 days notice.
A spokesman for Rizzo has told us only that they are cooperating with any inquiries.
This comes on the heels of a nearby Clinton Township trustee being charged with bribery just last week by feds.
Several township officials tell me they have not heard from the FBI yet, but would gladly cooperative with any investigation.