
Guiliani continues pushing false TCF Center voter fraud claims during heated Lansing hearing

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It was a heated night in Lansing, as President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani continued to push claims of widespread voter fraud.

These claims have not been proven —U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, a member of the Trump administration, saying just this week that the DOJ uncovered no evidence of widespread fraud that would change the election results.

Giuliani appeared before Michigan's House Oversight Committee Wednesday night, where he questioned his own witnesses, some of whom worked at TCF Center in Detroit during the Nov. 3 election.

A handful of witnesses testified, some of whom claim while they were working here at TCF during the election, they witnessed irregularities or even fraud. Giuliani claims — as he has for weeks — that thousands of votes were cast illegally. At this point, there has still not been substantial evidence presented to back up this claim.

“They allege massive cheating, particularly on the part of the Democratic party of Detroit," said Guiliani.

Holding up a white binder, which he says contain affidavits alleging massive voter fraud, President Trump’s Attorney Rudy Giuliani continued to push the unproven theory that the president won Michigan.

The state has certified the results of the general election, with President-Elect Joe Biden winning by more than 150,000 votes.

Wednesday night’s hearing before the state’s House oversight committee coming after hours of testimony Tuesday before the Senate oversight committee… but Wednesday, Giuliani himself appeared and questioned his own witnesses like one woman, who claims she witnessed fraud.

“On September 8, you were assigned to election duties…. That is true," Giuliani asked.

The woman's credibility was questioned by Democratic state Rep. Darrin Camilleri.

“Why are we listening to your story here today if it has already been ruled incorrect and not credible…this is not a courtroom…. Why do you keep objecting to what I’m saying," Guiliani and Camilleri spat.

After this woman, another witness of Giuliani's claimed that ballots at TCF were being counted multiple times. At least one state representative called for witnesses to be sworn in so that their testimony would be under oath.

Republican chair Matt Hall would not allow it.

“Representative…we don’t do that.. We’re not going to do that… you’re out of order….” Guiliani and another representative spat again.

The Trump campaign dropped their federal election lawsuit in Michigan, but there is still one lawsuit pending, a push to have the election results audited. That’s in Wayne County Circuit Court. There’s a hearing on that Thursday at 3 p.m.