

Michigan lawmakers react to second impeachment of Donald Trump

Donald Trump
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(WXYZ) — Michigan lawmakers are reacting after the U.S. House voted to impeach President Donald Trump. Trump is the first president to be impeached by the House twice.

RELATED: Impeached again; Trump becomes first US president to be impeached twice

U.S. Representative Brenda L. Lawrence, who voted to impeach President Trump:

“I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Last week, President Donald Trump betrayed his oath of office by inciting a deadly insurrection against Congress, the Vice President, and our country. His reckless actions and rhetoric shook us to the core and left the U.S. Capitol—a beacon of hope and democracy—in shambles. This cannot go unanswered.

While making empty calls for unity and healing, some argue that we should just move on. These are the same people who tirelessly tried to overturn the results of a safe, secure, and accessible election. Make no mistake, there cannot be unity and healing without accountability and justice. We cannot just turn a blind eye to this dangerous President who is clearly unfit for office. With today’s vote, the House of Representatives sends a strong and clear message that any President, regardless if they’re a Democrat or Republican, will face consequences for preventing a co-equal branch of government from exercising its Constitutional duty. Today, I uphold my oath of office and vote to impeach the President of the United States.”

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, who voted to impeach President Trump:

“Donald Trump incited a violent mob to attack the United States Capitol. The facts are undeniable. In his words and in his actions, our President knowingly lied about the election and instructed thousands of his supporters to fight to keep him in power. For months, his incessant lies divided this country, threatened our national security, denied the peaceful transfer of power, and fueled an insurrection against a co-equal branch of government. He directly disobeyed his oath of office and violated our public trust.

But impeaching Donald Trump today isn’t just about last week’s deadly attack, it’s about preventing violence in the future. Because there can be no healing without accountability. If there are no consequences for a President attempting to siege the legislative branch of our government, the message of permission for undemocratic violence will be heard in this country and in every corner of the world.

Our democracy is young and it is fragile. It withstood an attack last week, but not without sustaining tremendous damage. Impeaching President Donald Trump is a difficult, but necessary, step towards rebuilding the cracked foundations of our democracy.”

U.S. Congresswoman Haley Stevens, who voted to impeach President Trump:

“As a Member of Congress, I take seriously my responsibility to support and defend the Constitution of the United States from enemies foreign and domestic. Last week, our nation was attacked by enemies from within as Congress met to certify the Electoral College results. It was one of the darkest days in modern American history.

Encouraged by the words of the President, insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol -- the temple of our democracy -- and left five Americans dead, including a Capitol Police officer who was brutally beaten to death by the violent mob. The President bears responsibility for this seditious attack. His incendiary posts on social media in the weeks following the election, and his calls to action at a rally immediately preceding the attack, are clear evidence of impeachable offenses. This is not the first time this President has betrayed our nation for his personal gain, but it must be the last. That is why I voted to impeach him today and why the Senate should expeditiously vote to convict and remove him from office.

To turn a blind eye to the role that the President played inciting this violent insurrection would be an abdication of the Oath of Office I took as I was sworn into the 117th Congress, just a few days ago. I did not make this decision lightly, but I believe that President Trump is a threat to our democracy, and must be removed immediately and permanently barred from holding federal elected office.

There must be consequences for his reckless and dangerous behavior. There is no unity without accountability. Tonight, the House took action to defend the Constitution, and it is my hope that the Senate will do the same. The future of our nation, and our democracy, depends on it.”

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, who voted to impeach President Trump:

“Unity cannot happen without accountability, truth, and reconciliation. Today, I voted to impeach Donald Trump for an unprecedented second time to hold him accountable for his incitement of the deadly attack on the United States Capitol and our democracy last week.

“I’ve called for the impeachment and removal of Donald Trump since the day I arrived in Washington, D.C. Donald Trump is a tyrant who has continued to endanger and bring harm upon the people of the United States, taking cruel joy in inflicting pain on our most vulnerable neighbors. Last week’s attack on the Capitol was the culmination of Trump’s destructive reign in this country and his unending assault on truth and reality. He must be removed and barred from ever holding public office again.

As white nationalists, unhinged conspiracy theorists, and other Trump loyalists continue to plot armed insurrection on social media platforms and the twice-impeached President insists he’s done nothing wrong, we cannot wait and hope a peaceful transition of power happens on January 20th. Trump and his supporters have already displayed that peace is nowhere in their minds. It’s time for the Senate to act and remove Donald Trump from office.

Let’s be clear: this did not begin with Donald Trump and it certainly will not end with Donald Trump. The Republican Party has actively encouraged and benefitted from the rise of Trump’s brand of bitter fascism. There are members of Congress who must be held accountable for their incitement as well. Above all, the widespread undercurrent of white nationalism running through our society and our chambers must be confronted honestly and eliminated. Deep inequality and state-sanctioned discrimination do not disappear when Trump leaves office and won’t ever unless we root it out.

The violence, destruction, and oppression of Trumpism will continue to happen, unless we, as elected leaders in this country, commit to doing the hard work of ensuring that every one of our neighbors has a country operating upon a foundation of true justice and equity for all.”

Congressman Tim Walberg, who voted against the impeachment of President Trump:

“With only a week to go in the President’s term, I oppose Speaker Pelosi’s ill-advised attempt to rush an impeachment resolution through the House of Representatives. All standard deliberative processes have been ignored, including a failure to hold any hearings, seriously examine evidence, or make the requisite case. The Senate cannot possibly be able to even begin considering the resolution until after the President leaves office. This act will only deepen the nation’s divisions at a time of heightened turmoil.

America witnessed sickening violence at the U.S. Capitol last week that we must universally condemn. In wake of the mayhem, we cannot retreat to our partisan corners. In this moment, we should find ways to bridge the divide and commit to dialing back the political rhetoric. It is time to focus on a peaceful transition of power, move forward as a country, and prioritize the issues important to our constituents.”