

Detroit family says it's living in constant fear after faulty electric services

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For Eva Dye and her mother, Bloomie, each day is a day they worry their home will catch fire. 
Over two years ago, they hired a company called National Electric to do extensive rewiring to their Detroit property.
But after signing a contract, and forking over $13,500 dollars, the family began to notice some serious problems. Some plugs that were expected to be fixed were hanging out of their sockets, and some were even sparking 
Dye immediately phoned the contractor, and though they did initially send a representative out to make some fixes, the family says the problems remained, while they say every phone call made to the contractor thereafter was ignored.
Confused and upset, Dye called a city inspector, who came to the home and determined National Electric had failed to pull the correct permits to do the work. 
While there, the city logged over a dozen coding violations. So our Taking Action team decided to pay the contractor a visit, but no one was there. 
Eventually, we did reach the contractor by phone. In a statement to Channel 7, company owner, Robert West, said, 
“I obtained electrical permits to do the work. I have done nothing wrong.”
But city records show he only obtained the correct permits after Channel 7 stepped up the pressure.
As a result, contractors did return to the home to begin making the fixes needed, in an attempt to bring the property up to code.