

Following these simple couponing steps can save you hundreds

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Everyone has their ways to save money and for some it’s couponing. Most people hear the word couponing and they think hours out a table cutting up newspapers. Gretchen Yoder, a working mom of two, says couponing gets a bad rap. 

Yoder says, she’s “seen the shows where there are crazy couponers, but I don’t have time to cut coupons out and go through all of the newspapers, and I don’t want my cabinet to have 900 cans of stuff I’ll never eat.” 

But, that’s where she believes people have it all wrong. Her tip is to shop for a week, not for a year supply of products. Each week she spends 10 minutes looking at newspapers and magazines to see what’s on sale. After that, she creates a grocery list for the week. By doing that, Yoder says her family can easily create a weekly menu. 

Yoder’s time saving tip is using grocery store apps to find deals on her favorite items. Not only do the grocery store apps show sales, but they also allow you to create a digital list to take to the store.

Yoder says, on average, she saves at least 50 percent using these simple steps. 

Yoder has made couponing simple at the store, but now she’s learning to save online with Honey, a browser extension. Honey automatically finds and applies coupon codes at check out with a single click. 

After clicking on items she wanted to purchase on target she was ready to check out. Before clicking pay, she clicked the Honey browser to let it search for any sales on her items. To her surprise, it worked. 

Whether its cutting newspapers, or using Honey online; Yoder plans to continue couponing. But, only spending a few minutes a week doing it.