(WSYM) — Michigan reported 7,819 new COVID-19 cases and 73 new deaths, according to new information from the state Thursday.
There have been 723,297 cases and 16,400 deaths in Michigan. Of the 73 deaths identified Thursday, 43 were identified during a vital records review.
Michigan's current statewide COVID-19 positivity rate is the highest it's been since April 24, 2020, the state Department of Health and Human Services said Wednesday.
Percent positivity is up 348% and case rates are up 375% since the previous low on February 19. Currently, the rate stands at 15.6%.
Michigan has the highest number of cases and the highest case rate across the country in the past seven days.
State health officials say positivity is an early indicator of COVID-19 transmission. As positivity increases, the state expects case rates to follow. Ideally, the positivity rate should be around 3%.
Additionally, the percent of inpatient beds occupied by individuals with COVID-19 has increased 203% since Feb. 28. Currently, 11.9% of beds are being used; trends for COVID-19 hospitalizations are increasing, officials say.
Deaths have increased 75% since March 9. There were 166 deaths between March 14 and March 20.