

Majority of Michigan voters think legislature should pass statewide mask mandate

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(WXYZ) — A majority of Michigan voters think the legislature should pass a statewide mask mandate, according to a new poll released from the Detroit Regional Chamber.

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The poll, conducted by Glengariff Group, surveyed 600 registered voters in Michigan between No. 30 and Dec. 4.

According to the poll, 79.8% of voters said they always wear a mask indoors in public, 13.3% said they wear one most of the time, and 3.5% said they wear one occasionally.

That's nearly the same amount from the survey in May, where 80.7% said they wore a mask wen in public.

68.2% of the voters surveyed said they support the state's legislature passing a statewide mask mandate, while 29.8% oppose. The only demographic opposed to a mask requirement is those who identify as strong Republican voters.

The breakdown by party is below.

Strong Dem - 95.9% support, 1.7% oppose
Lean Dem - 91.1% support, 7.1% oppose
Independent - 72.3% support, 26.3% oppose
Lean GOP - 50.0% support, 48.1% oppose
Strong GOP - 33.5% support, 63.9% oppose

"The Chamber has been vocal from the start of the crisis that the universal use of masks in public is critical to keeping businesses open. This poll shows voters overwhelmingly agree through their actions and support for an indoor mask mandate,” Baruah said.