

Detroit Children's Hospital fails inspection, could be dropped from Medicare

and last updated

Children's Hospital of Michigan in Detroit is in danger of being dropped from participation in Medicare after failing an inspection in January.

The inspection, conducted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, found "deficiencies" that "are significant and limit hospital's capacity to render adequate care and ensure the health and safety of" patients.

The inspection found the problems in the hospital's surgical services.

Karmanos Cancer Center also failed the inspection, while Harper Hospital and Detroit Receiving passed their inspections.

Both Children's and Karmanos could be dropped from the Medicare program, if they fail follow up inspections that need to be conducted by May 23. Those inspections will not be announced ahead of time.

While Harper and Receiving are currently in compliance, they were also cited with violations during the inspections.

All four facilities have filed plans of correction with the regulatory authority and are working to correct the deficiencies.