A career criminal featured as one of Detroit's most wanted last year has been arrested in Detroit as a result of a 7 Action News viewer tip regarding his multiple fake IDs.
Michael Brown had a rap sheet dating back to the 1960s and has been caught with copious amounts of drugs, body armor and machine guns.
Since cutting his tether in 2014, the US Marshals say Brown’s had no choice but to return to his life of crime.
“Twenty-four fire arms including revolvers, semi-automatics, shotguns, Uzi’s – 24 weapons that this guy was bringing into the city of Detroit, to our neighborhoods, to my neighborhood, to your neighborhood,” Deputy US Marshals Aaron Garcia said.
At 68-year-old he says Brown is a career criminal.
“He was in possession of body armor, weapons and kilograms of heroin,” Garcia said. “He was convicted of his federal charges and he was actually sentenced to 15 years federal custody.”
But in 2014 Brown was let out on parole after serving less than four years and, shortly after, he cut his tether and ran.