(WSYM) — Three historic Michigan lighthouses have been awarded $126,667 in lighthouse preservation grants for repairs and restoration.
“Dozens of lighthouses stand sentinel along Michigan’s shorelines and represent an important piece of Michigan’s maritime history. And with the summer travel season fast approaching, lighthouses offer a unique opportunity for tourists to discover and explore off-the-beaten-path destinations,” said Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Martha MacFarlane-Faes in a press release. “Through our lighthouse preservation program, we can help restore these beacons, preserving their beauty and keeping them shining bright for years to come.”
The Michigan Lighthouse Assistance Program was established to assist in the preservation, rehabilitation, and protection of historic lighthouses in Michigan.
To qualify for an MLAP grant, applicants must have at least 50 percent of the MLAP grant amount in matching funds.
The 2021 MLAP grant recipients are:
Crisp Point Light Historical Society
MLAP grant amount: $60,000
Location of nearest city: Newberry
Historic resource: Crisp Point Lighthouse
Match amount: $70,000
Use of funds: The Crisp Point Light Historical Society will hire a contractor to make exterior renovations to this remote and secluded lighthouse located on the shore of Lake Superior, including removal of existing paint, replacement of deteriorating mortar, and brick, and applying appropriate coatings to the exterior.
North Manitou Light Keepers, Inc.
MLAP grant amount: $50,000
Historic resource: North Manitou Shoal Lighthouse
Location of nearest city: Leland Township
Match amount: $30,000
Use of funds: The North Manitou Light Keepers will hire a consultant to rehabilitate the watch deck of this offshore lighthouse known as “the Crib,” including removing non-historic steel plates, repairing holes and cracks in the deck, making improvements to drainage, sealing, and flashing of seams and joints, and resurfacing the entire watch deck.
St. Clair County Parks and Recreation
MLAP grant amount: $16,667
Historic resource: Fort Gratiot Lighthouse
Location of nearest city: Port Huron
Match amount: $8,333
Use of funds: St. Clair County Parks and Recreation will hire a consultant to rehabilitate the watch and lantern rooms of Michigan’s oldest lighthouse, including repairs to the interior and exterior metalwork, painting, caulking, and installing new glass in window openings.