- State legislators are working to pass 80 billion dollar state fiscal budget before they head on summer recess June 28th.
- The budget includes the general fund and a school aid budget inline with Governor Gretchen Whitmer's for Pre-k through 14 plan.
- Video show state representatives giving their insight on the process and the school aid omnibus bill that is scheduled to be voted on.
Money. Money. Money. It's budget week mid-Michigan.
All day, state legislators have been in session working to pass the 2025 fiscal year budget.
"We're excited to close it out later tonight and hopefully go home."
But as the clock ticks on,

House Representatives have yet to agree on the budget ahead of the fiscal year that starts on October 1st.
And as sessions are meant to break for summer recess at the end of the week,
There still looms one big concern.
The school aid budget.

The omnibus bill provides funding for K-12, higher education, and community colleges.
Estimated at 20 billion dollars, theappropriation aligns with Governor Gretchen Whitmer's plan for education, providing universal Pre-K and some free college tuition that was laid out during the state of the state address.
And with many mid-Michigan school district's fiscal year starting the first week of July, there is increased pressure to pass the bill sooner rather than later.
"We have done amazing work over the past few years to consecutively increase our per-pupil spending," Democratic state Representative Rachel Hood said.
But other representatives across the aisle say the budget is missing some key components, that people from her district need.
"I don't want them to take away school resource officers or messing with our school safety plans," Republican state Representative Kathy Schamltz said.
And though the house is Democratically led, there still needs to be some support from Republicans in order for it to pass.

Which means a long night is ahead for the our legislators.
The conversations are expected to continue over night and in the morning. As of Wednesday night, the budget has not been approved. We will continue our coverage on as it tries to work its way out of the capitol.
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