5:30PM UPDATE: Attorney General Dana Nessel went to social media to say the state legislature has a legal obligation to attend session and saying what some members 'have chosen to do today is literally criminal.' In response, Speaker of the House-elect Matt Hall, in response, said "We’re not going to be bullied and intimidated by this attorney general, and she has no business as a member of the executive branch telling us in the legislative branch what to do." I reached out to the Attorney General office for further comment and receive no response by the time the story aired.
3:30PM UPDATE: And as of 2:47 p.m, session is coming to an end. Session never gaveled in. The agenda listed for today is the same as tomorrow and the calendar will not change, meaning tomorrow's session day will be the last for the house in 2024.
2 P.M. UPDATE: After coming back from lunch just not too long ago, House democratic leadership have called another caucus meeting at 2:15pm. There has yet to be any votes or bill brought up to be discussed. The Senate is not back in session as of 2:19.
UPDATE: The House and Senate chambers are in session as of 10 a.m. 15 minutes into session, the House Democratic caucus separated to meet with each other after attendance roll call was taken. They have yet to return as of 11:43 a.m.
The senate is also at ease as of 11:44 a.m.

ORIGINAL STORY: Leadership for House Republicans are starting the day not in the Capitol for session but at the NutHouse Grille in Lansing.
There, they're taking another stand for hospitality workers across Michigan.
Speaker of the House-elect Matt Hall telling members of the press the House GOP will not be coming in today after another day of the bills surrounding minimum wage and earned sick time modification not being put up to vote.
Standing next to him is one of the bill’s sponsor State Representative Graham Filler, who State Capitol reporter Alonna Johnson spoke to earlier this week, on the lack of movement on the bills.

Alonna is at the Capitol today and following the latest developments. Keep it here for updates throughout the day.
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