- Progress Michigan advocates for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) bills.
- FOIA requests can provide transparency on government actions.
- Public records can reveal reasons behind state funding decisions and other decisions impacting neighbors.
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"Sunlight is always the best disinfectant," Progress Michigan Executive Director Sam Inglot said.
Progress Michigan Executive Director Sam Inglot has been advocating for Freedom of Information Act or FOIA bills.

"Something as basic as a public records request can really shine some light for the public on how government is working or is not working for them," Inglot said.
With access to public records, neighbors could learn why:
- state funding to a local non-profit was cut,
- or read emails that were sent before a vote impacting our neighborhoods,
- or try to learn why construction on a road near you is taking too long.
"[Neighbors can] be able to get a little peak in the backroom about how those things are operating," Inglot said.
FOX47 News covered when the FOIA bills were introduced back in August for the fifth time in nine years.
Michigan is one of two states that exempt lawmakers from FOIA requests and the only state exempting the governor.
Now on the sixth try for the bills, we're learning more about their chances.
"You're not going to see fast action on the FOIA stuff from me in the house, you're just not," Speaker of the House Matt Hall said.

Republican Speaker of the House Matt Hall said he plans to include other transparency measures like oversight to the executive branches and adding a two-thirds majority vote for bills in lame duck sessions.
"Being accountable to the citizens you serve by opening yourself to open records requests should be step number one," Inglot said.
Democratic Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks said she wants to pass the bills inside her chamber again, saying quote, "Lots of politicians say they are for more transparency, but few have been willing to act. We are again trying to turn a new page for our state where government accountability and transparency are the standard, not a privilege — the way it should be."
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