MASON, Mich. — The Butcher Block food truck is keeping friends close and Mason's farmers even closer by sourcing their meat and produce from local farmers.
"We source all of our beef from Butcher Farms here in Mason, Swallowtail Farm does our greens and Fat Boy Sugar Shack here in Mason syrup we use in all sorts of recipes," said The Butcher Block owner Ryan Acker.
Running a food truck is a dream come to life for Acker, whose been working in collaboration with Butcher Farms for the last two years to bring his dream to life.
"We are new, so we're just kind of scoping out some different menu ideas. We're changing it up weekly," said Acker.
This week, they're serving up cheese steaks and steak salad as well as his homemade pasta salad. Sourcing locally helps unite the food truck with the community.

"Farming is a big part of this community, and we just want to be a part of that," said Acker.
One of those farmers is Anne Rauscher, and she and her husband run Swallowtail Farm. Their mission is to grow, preserve and share good food with the Mason community.
"Buying directly from farms, not only our own farm, but other farms as well, and I think there's great potential for other restaurants to do local sourcing and to support more local farms," said Rasucher.

Swallowtail Farm and Butcher Farms have been collaborating for years selling each others produce at their respective farm stands. But now, they're calling for consumers support to ask local restaurants if they source locally.
"It's a great idea, if it's something that interests people, to ask the restaurants that they frequent whether they do any local sourcing. It takes a little bit more time and effort from restaurants, but if they know that their customers, it's something that they value, I think that they are more likely to make that effort," said Rauscher.
You can spot The Butcher Block food truck at Eagle View Golf Club or at local events like the Mason Pride Picnic.
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