MASON, Mich. — Sara's Bread Box is the only farm stand of it's kind in Mason, serving up seasonal desserts and classic breads. Each week, different baked good are featured in the farm stand based off what's growing in Mason.
"It all started last fall. We just moved here about a year ago, we're almost coming up on the year mark, and we relocated from the city really, for my husbands work. And so once we noticed that the neighbors had a honey stand, so they got quite a business, so when I started making bread, I thought of maybe people would buy the bread to go with the honey," said Sara Andrews.
On Andrews' first day, she sold every single loaf of bread.
Since then, she's upgraded her small business growing her own produce and raising chickens. Sara's Bread Box puts an emphasis on local ingredients.

"A neighbor gave us some peaches, and we picked our neighbors black raspberries and cherries. And I use the neighbors honey to make some of my bread across the street, so really it's just kind of a farmers market," said Andrews.
Sara's Bread Box is located on west Howell Street in Mason. Cash and Venmo payments are accepted. Plus, if you have food allergies, there is no need to fear. Andrews writes the ingredients on every item.
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