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A need for blood across our neighborhoods; Volunteers in Mason say under 5% of Americans donate

Neighbors in Mason say regardless of weather, it's extremely important to donate blood to those who need it.
  • Less than 5% of Americans donate blood.
  • Neighbors in Mason talk about the importance of donating.
  • Video shows the need for blood donors especially during the winter months.

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

People in our neighborhoods donate blood all year round, but according to the Red Cross, donations drop significantly in the colder months.

Neighbor Joanne DePeel explains her motivation:

"I donated blood at first because there was a need for it."

For DePeel, the importance of donating became personal.

"My husband was very ill at one point, and he needed three units of plasma."

That experience opened her eyes to the critical need for blood donations, a sentiment echoed by Elaine Ferris, who has volunteered at blood drives for decades.

"We've pretty much lost most of the blood centers in North Carolina because they are supplying most of that area, the ones that are still going," Ferris says.

She highlights a stark reality: fewer than 5% of Americans regularly donate blood, and that number decreases even further during the colder months.

"December's a hard month to fill up," she notes.

Ferris attributes the drop to several factors, including illnesses like the flu and COVID, as well as bad weather.

"You not only get travel difficulties, but you also get the flu and colds. People tend to confide inside," Ferris explains.

DePeel emphasizes that despite these challenges, donating blood remains crucial.

"There are so many people that need blood—surgeries, people with anemia, people going through cancer. It's very important to get out there and give blood to be able to help people out."

Mason's Methodist Church will host a blood drive Thursday from 10:30-4:15. For information on where you can donate, click the link below.

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