- A Jackson man reunites with a neighbor who saved his life.
- On Decmber 6th, a good Samaritian Nick Kolb helped Dominic Meyers out of an accident that could've ended tragically.
- Video shows Meyers and Kolb meeting for the first time
"It was a casual morning. It was my first night at the stamp," Dominick Myers said.

Dominick Myers was heading home from work, ready to see his wife and four children.
"I had no breaks. I started pushing my brakes. I started slamming my brakes," Myers said.
His car failed on Conway and Silbey Road in Chelsea, and Myers found himself sliding on black ice, eventually ending up in a pond. Trapped in his car, water rising, he thought this was it.
"I saw some headlights at the time I thought it was the fire department," Myers said.
But it wasn't the fire department.
"I heard him yell for help. I just jumped. I had to you know," Nick Kolb said.

It was good Samaritan Nick Kolb.
"If Nick wasn't there, I don't think that I would've been able to, I don't think I had enough adrenaline and enough going to kick and swim, and the chances of me drowning when I got out was even high," Myers said.
As a result of the accident, Myers now has a traumatic brain injury, requiring him to leave his job. But has been getting support from neighbors including Kolb.
Sunday, Myers and Kolb reunited for the first time in person since the accident.

"Nick came in, we were just talking about the stamp, we were casually having a conversation and it's really nice," Myers said.
From someone Myers had never met to a neighbor supporting him through the holidays.
"I would definitely like to stay in touch. We have a pretty close bond I would say," Kolb said.
"His whole family has been helping. There's been a lot of support and it's a long road but we have had a lot of support," Myers said.
The Myers family is raising money for a new vehicle. You can donate to their Gofundme.
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