- A dream come true for one Mid-Michigan family.
- Humanity Capital Region helps people build and improve places to call home.
- Watch the video to see how one family got their dream home.
(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)
I'm here in Lansing where Habitat for Humanity Capital Region is celebrating its latest home rehabilitation project. A dream come true for one Mid-Michigan family.
Meet Mid-Michigan neighbor Rebella Cadieux, receiving keys to her new home. A 100+-year-old historic home in Lansing's Eastfield Neighborhood.

"It's very exciting cause this will be the start of a new journey for all of us me and my children," New Homeowner Rebella Cadieux said.
Cadieu tells me getting to today was a two-year process and one she wasn't sure was possible.
"I didn't think I could do it, I'm a single mom with four children on one income who can do that," New homeowner Rebella Cadieux said.
Over 500 hours of hard work helped bring Rebellia's dream to reality, made possible with the guidance of Habitat for Humanity Capital Region a nonprofit organization.

Habitat homebuyers work alongside volunteers to build their homes and they purchase their homes with affordable monthly mortgage payments. President of Habitat for Humanity Capital Region Brent Taylor says the goal is for home buyers to create a legacy for their respective families.
"For our home buyers to stay in these homes for about 20-30 years, hand it down to their kids," President of Habitat for Humanity Capital Region Brent Taylor said
Rebellia is set to finalize the purchase of her home with an affordable mortgage next month, ensuring long-term stability and security for her family.
"It's an amazing journey, it makes you stronger," New homeowner Rebella Cadieux said
"We're very happy because it's going to be a start to a new life," New homeowner Rebella Cadieux said
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