- Neighbors in Holt express concern over stopping for school buses.
- Governor Whitmer signed new House Bills that will add more cameras to school buses.
- Video shows Holt Public Schools superintendent breaking down how important it is students make it to and from school safely.
(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)
"Our society is in such a hurry these days that, oh my gosh, we need to get around this bus, even with the lights flashing," said Holt neighbor Pat Brown.
Brown has seen it firsthand—neighbors not obeying school bus stop signs.

"Even in our small town, it happens all the time,"It's a law," he said.
Especially as a former first responder with the Delhi Township Fire Department.
"On two occasions, I did respond to a child getting hit by a car while getting off the bus," said Brown.
He says both occasions ended in fatalities, moments of his life he says he will never forget. This is why he supports Governor Gretchen Whitmer signing House Bills 4928, 4929,and 4930.
"We can't take the past back, but what can we do as a society to make it better?"
Currently, neighbors are issued fines if they run the stop sign, thanks to cameras inside and outside the school buses.

"We don't want to be issuing fines, but I can tell you, on a daily basis, people are running the red light, which is just not safe for our students," said Superintendent of Holt Public Schools, David Hornak.
Hornak says thanks to the new bills, fines collected from camera violations will now go back to the district in hopes of adding more cameras in place.
"Moving forward, we will be in discussion on how we could purpose and repurpose some of those funds for safety and transportation," he said.

Ultimately, he believes this will get neighbors to follow the law and protect students getting to and from school.
"It will take each of us to make a difference for all of us," said Hornak.
"I'm all for safety, no matter what you do, I don't care what it is," said Brown."
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