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Gift guide to help boost mental and physical health

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Everyone needs some extra TLC right now, especially since our mental and physical health has taken a huge toll during the pandemic.

Lifestyle expert and Access Hollywood contributor, Lindsay Myers, shares a gift guide to help other people lighten their mental and physical health.

Mental Health: Our mental state is just as important as our physical and emotional health. You need to be taking moments as well as steps to keep yourself healthy.

  • Meditation- Gift the gift of guided meditation and breathing with apps. There are so many great options for this and very affordable. We all need to be reminded sometimes to sit in silence and to breathe
  • Essential oils all have amazing healing powers. A diffuser and some oils can really impact someone's life and make them healthier. Gifts oils that are personal to that person. For example, lavender is great for relaxing and peppermint can help keep you alert and helps with breathing.
  • Virtual Party- throw a party for someone who needs that extra pick me up! Who cares if it's not their birthday. The best gifts are surprises. Covid has left so many feeling lonely and isolated. Bring together friends and family to remind everyone they are not alone and loved. Make it a themed zoom party (dance party, karaoke, costume party)

Health from the inside out:

Health also starts from the inside. Everything we put into our bodies matters. Gift those gifts that people might think are essentials or that they won't buy for themselves, but are essential to our well being.

  • Individual blender + protein powder- I make a smoothie daily. It's quick and easy and I get everything I need in one cup. This is what people want. A perfect gift is a blender that makes one smoothie at a time so they can grab and go. Also go ahead and get them that perfect protein powder so that you can get them on that healthy smoothie train now!
  • Supplements- My number one question is how do you stay healthy. It's always a combination of my lifestyle but a huge part in supplements. I have always taken them. I need to stay on my health game and they help me, especially when I might not get all the nutrients I need. Supplements can get pricey, but they don't have to be. Gift supplements this year, because someone might not do it for themselves, but we need to stay healthy more than ever right now.

Physical Health-

Help get everyone in your life back on track with exercising. That is going to mean something different to each person. So help them find that motivation.

  • Accessories- I have been focusing on simplifying my workouts. I use bands, jump robes, yoga, and boxing. Also a water bottle that reminds people to drink more water, or even cute workout clothes can get them one step closer to their goals.
  • Motivations- Some people need a class or someone to make them workout. For those people give the gift of an online workout platform. Something that they have to show up for even if it's at their house. You can also have a safe workout buddy. Maybe be that person for them. You can keep your distance but be motivating. You can also gift a fitness tracker. You do not need to spend a lot, just something that will tell them when they need to be moving and how many steps that have taken. It really makes a big difference when you start seeing your numbers.

For more gift guides and lifestyle tips, visit or follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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