
Parking and transportation for the 32nd Annual Silver Bells in the City

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Thousands are expected to arrive from all over the state of Michigan to the capital city to celebrate the holiday season on Friday, Nov. 18, 2016 for the

Free parking is available on Friday night during Silver Bells in the City in all City of Lansing owned parking ramps beginning at 5 p.m. Free parking is also available at 5 p.m. in the State of Michigan facilities including the State of Michigan Roosevelt ramp (corner of Ottawa and Seymour), State of Michigan parking lots behind the Hall of Justice off of Ottawa and Allegan Streets, the Lewis Cass Lot off of Kalamazoo Street and the lots south of the Michigan Historical Museum off of Kalamazoo Street.

Ride CATA for just 50 cents on all Silver Bells buses throughout the event. Children 42” and under ride for free. If you pay with cash, you must have exact change. Transfers to other buses may be made at boarding centers or bus stops along the route. CATA fixed-route transfers are free. Just ask the driver for a transfer ticket when you board your first bus. The Silver Bells in the City bus route will operate Friday, 5-10 p.m. Buses will run approximately every 10 minutes. Please see the attached city and state parking maps, and the CATA route map for more detailed information.

Park & Ride with CATA: Take CATA from home to Silver Bells or park in the Michigan Historical Museum parking lot and ride CATA’s Silver Bells bus route to the parade and later to the various entertainment sites. For complete event details, visit