

Community Comment: Michiganders react to giving and volunteering during this holiday season

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WXYZ DETROIT — Once again it’s time for our Community Comment segment and a good way to wrap up viewer feedback in 2020.

Olivia Brown sent us this comment about of series of editorials encouraging charity giving and volunteering before the end of this year. She writes:

“Thank you, Channel 7, for this important reminder. Because of COVID-19, 2020 has been a terrible year for so many people who need help but are embarrassed to ask."

Lolita Murray said:

“I’ve been a Michigander my entire life. I know this state and the people in it. We have big hearts and we always help each other."

Christopher Atkins shared this comment with us:

“The non-profit community is really struggling to keep up with community demands. Giving your money is important and generous but don’t forget that we need volunteers just as much, maybe even more. The holiday season is good time to reflect."

One of our Northern Michigan fans said:

“I lived in the Detroit area for many, many years. I remember the great wealth of that area but also the tremendous poverty of some neighborhoods. Let’s never get too comfortable that we forget about all of our citizens."

- J. Tallifero

And as we get ready to close out 2020, a year filled with the many health related and partisan political challenges we often addressed in our station editorials, we got this thoughtful and challenging e-mail from Shana DeGroff of Northville.

“Consider yourself fortunate that you have the ability to offer an editorial every week to the public. Your opinion can be respected, although not necessarily agreed upon with your viewers all of the time. The mainstream media, which includes your colleagues, cannot say the same thing.”

Thank you for watching and writing. Happy Holidays to all!

I’m Chuck Stokes, Editorial Director
Broadcast: December 17 - 20, 2020