
Michigan ranks 30 in overall highway performance out of the 50 states, report says

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According to an annual highway report conducted by the Reason Foundation, Michigan ranks number 30 overall in highway performance.

The overall ranking number is determined by how each state performs in 13 total categories that include highway expenditures per mile, Interstate and primary road pavement conditions, urbanized area congestion, bridge conditions and fatality rates.

In general, roads, bridges and pavements across America have worsened. The report ultimately found that "states do not need to engage in a spending bonanza to improve their systems. But there is some evidence that a small increase in spending could yield a significantly better system."

The rankings are compiled based on spending and performance data from the federal government taken in 2016, with congestion and bridge condition data from 2017.

Here are the highway performance rankings by category and where Michigan ranked in each category:

30 Overall
38 Total Disbursements per Mile
27 Capital & Bridge Disbursements per Mile
27 Maintenance Disbursements per Mile
25 Admin Disbursements per Mile
34 Rural Interstate Pavement Condition
42 Urban Interstate Pavement Condition
19 Rural Arterial Pavement Condition
41 Urban Arterial Pavement Condition
34 Urbanized Area Congestion
35 Structurally Deficient Bridges
19 Overall Fatality Rate
7 Rural Fatality Rate
30 Urban Fatality Rate

The states leading in rankings include North Dakota, Virginia, Missouri, Maine and Kentucky. The states that rank at the bottom of the report include Massachusetts, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Alaska and New Jersey.

Read the full report here .