Fox FindersMissing Persons


Missing Person: Larry Waldschmidt, 78 year old Caucasian Male

and last updated

Larry Waldschmidt, 78 year old Caucasian Male

Larry was last seen in the area of 24000 Jefferson St. Dowagiac Michigan.

Larry has Alzheimers and critical Insulin dependency. He was last seen working in his yard at around 5:45 pm on 3/27/19 and reported missing at 6:30pm on that date.

Larry is described as:

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 240

Hair Color: Gray

Eye Color: Blue

Race: Wht

Clothing: Gray sweat pants, gray T-shirt black Velcro tennis shoes.

Identifying Marks: Scar behind his right ear from surgery

Vehicle: 2002 Ford Escape White in color Michigan handicap registration H1499

If you have information about their whereabouts, call 911 or the investigating law enforcement agency listed below.
Cass County Sheriff’s Office at 269 445 1205